Frequently Asked Questions

Web Hosting Reseller FAQ

Do i need any experience to start something like this? Reseller web hosting should be attempted by people who have a mid to high level of computer and online experience. It is definently not for everyone. Web designers and programmers who already have a client base and an understanding of the web hosting process would be most suited to become web hosting resellers.

Do i need to provide support or does the web hosting company provide it? As a reseller you are responsible for all clients on you reseller account, however the web hosting company will help you directly with any difficulties that you as the reseller account holder may experience.

How do i manage a reseller hosting account? As the reseller you will have a special admin control panel which will be used to control all clients with allocation of disk space and bandwidth.

Can i manage my own plans i.e. data usage and data transfer? As the administrator plans and usage are left entirely up to you. You can offer different amounts of storage and disk space to clients depending on their needs and charge them accordingly. It's a good idea to have some sort of plan or structure before you start.

How does a user manage their website? All users that are asssigned will also be given access to control panel where they can log in and create email addresses, upload websites, administer databases and observe website stats.

Will my clients know that i am using a particular companies in this case Digital Pacific's servers? Digital Pacific allows web hosting resellers to upload their own logo into their control panel so it looks like they are their own company. There is nothing within the control panel that states the website is hosted with Digital Pacific. Different web hosts vary with options, if you don't know whether you will be able to hide the fact that you are reselling ask the hosting company before signing up for an account.

User manuals and guides? Check with the webhost before signing up on whether there are support articles available. Digital Pacific offer an anonymous web based manual for customers as well.

How can i hide nameservers? Normally a web host has whats known as "white label nameservers" whereby customers can't tell that the website is hosted by a reseller.

Is there anything else i need to know? Yes, billing and support systems are also left in your hands. You can download software and for billing and support from the internet or choose to handle it in your way. Quality support is considered one of the most parts of any web hosting company so it's important to get it right and to be able to support your clients.

Choosing a webhost? This is completely up to you but do your research. Specifically, look for a quality web hosting provider, has reasonable prices, a high level of email and/or phone support.